@Emma yeah we’ve spoken but i feel awful as i don’t want to upset him. i’m going to speak to my gp tomorrow, thank you xx
It’s not about making him feel bad ❤️ but for you both to move forward together and be open and honest with each other ❤️❤️ Your entitled to feel how you felt it’s just trying to process those emotions to allow you to move guests together x
I don’t not think you’re in the wrong. Pregnancy can be rough and when you don’t have a partner there to make it a bit easy or enjoyable it can be draining and stressful. I think you will be able to forgive just in you own time and that’s ok. It helps he is acknowledging his wrongs and it’s also ok that you haven’t forgiven it completely yet
@Raynelle it’s not so much my partner in this it’s more his mother, she made my pregnancy hell. she isolated me from everyone by saying everyone hated me. she threatened to kick me out multiple times, bad mouthed me to everyone but was nice to my face. i wholeheartedly believe she’s the reason for my trauma
I’m sorry you feel that way, have you talked to your partner about how he made you feel? I would also speak to your gp they may be able to refer you for some counselling ❤️❤️