If he’s fine on size 1, I’d personally hang fire. The sizes and ages are there as a recommendation but it really comes down to the baby and how well they feed. We moved up to size 2 as we noticed it was taking longer for my baby to finish bottles and she was getting really fussy with it all. We made the swap at 8 weeks and we’ve not looked back, but that was down to her giving us signs that she was ready, rather than us pushing her to go on to the bigger size
We only just transitioned to all size 2’s now at 11 weeks. We were doing a little of both 1 & 2 initially. I’d go by your baby and what you think
If size 1 works, stick with them til they show signs of being ready for the next size. My first baby never went past a size 2 teat and stayed on them til we got rid of bottles. We’ve just swapped baby 2 onto size 2 teats this weekend as she was sucking super hard and falling asleep mid feed, or drinking 2oz and giving up.
My prem baby who was exclusively breast fed for the first 6 weeks has only just gone up to a size 1 teat... and he's 11 weeks old on Tuesday. I just think it's dependent on your baby and when they're ready ☺️
Yeh don’t size up unless baby needs it as it is only a recommendation. My baby is 10 weeks old and still on size 0 and he’s perfectly happy so I’ve not even bothered sizing up. He was being fussy so I tried once but it made no difference and he stopped so I stuck to the size 0 x
Mines 11 weeks and I was thinking the same but she guzzles her milk with a size 1 so I’m going to keep her on them abit longer xx
I spoke to a feeding consultant at one of the playgroups and she said there is no need to change the teat size if baby is eating producing wet and dirty nappies and generally comfortable. My lo is 12 weeks on Wednesday and we are on the same teats from birth 0 and 1
We are 9 weeks old and still on size 0! I have just put a post on asking if we should move up? He is starting to fall asleep during feeds and not finishing bottles but the size 1 was just coughing and spluttering and most of it ended up down his chin and on his face 😭
Try again on size 2 and if he’s fine then you can switch to size 1 and 2 but if not then just stick to what you think is best for him x