@Mya it means they aren’t having formula or cows milk like a bottle fed baby would, they have breast milk. They still will eat food and drink water
Oh okay! Thankyou!
Whenever they need it. I feed on demands, but if I’m not around I.e. at work, it would’ve been breastmilk in bottle and I’d pump regularly, being 3-4 times during the day, at work. My son was exclusively breastfeed until about 15 months old. But I have introduced cow’s milk to him since 12 months old for cereal/porridge.
At the minute at nearly 15 months.. about 100 🙃😂 It really varies! We go through phases
16m and she just started going down to 5-6/day from 6-8/day
My daughter dropped to 2 sometimes 3 at about 12 months.
@Nattinan I’m due to return to work two days after my son’s first birthday and I’m not sure how I’m going to get enough milk for him for the Monday 😬 I’m going back two days a week - Monday and Tuesday so Tuesday will be fine for milk but the Monday might be a struggle. He won’t take frozen milk.
@Yasmin 😬🫠
When you’re not around, they would have a routine of taking milk, and to me, it would be about 3-6 oz at a time, and I think he was only having about 2-3 bottles a day when I went back to work. I actually didn’t take the full 52 was of mat leave, I went back at about 9 months mark, and that was the routine. As they’re eating solids now, now having as much milk is normal, and you can also give formula too if they won’t take re-warmed breast milk. For us, we actually did do a bit of formula until about 18months old, then take we ditch formula and just give him cow’s milks as that’s easier for us. He still breastfeed now, only at night and if I’m around, about 2-4 times during the day. He’s turning 2 soon.
Genuine question here how do you exclusively breastfeed at 12 months? As in no food or no other liquids?