Need some help please

My son is 7 weeks old, I’m 7 weeks postpartum and I just lost my grandfather. I am a mess. I can barely focus on anything. I’m so anxious and I’m constantly crying. My significant other is 100% holding it down in regards to taking care of our son and we are also staying at his mothers house. We needed the help. I’ve been in and out because I’ve been helping make arrangements for funeral/burial. And I feel like my baby is gonna forget me 😞 Help me feel better about myself please 😭
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Please don’t put so much pressure on yourself. You’re grieving and doing your absolute best, you should be proud of yourself. This is a tough time and try to remember to speak to yourself kindly and handle yourself with care. There is no rule book on how to handle this the right way and grief / postpartum both come with complex emotions. I’m so sorry for your loss and make sure to lean on your support, they’ve got you ♥️

Your baby won’t forget you!!! He knows your voice, your heart beat, and he even knows your smell. You are literally his favorite person! When he starts smiling which is soon, he will smile at you the most! Mom guilt is crazy, but I promise you, you are his whole world right now. I’m so so sorry for your loss, and postpartum is a hard time, but you will get through this, be kind to yourself mama!

Your baby is in good hands. Be where you need to be. Make arrangements for your grandfather, and when it's all said and done, you can hold your baby and reflect on life and the meaning & beauty of it all. I'm glad you have good support through this time. Don't add extra guilt to your grief. They're both hard enough on their own. ⚘️

This time will pass and you will get through it. The baby won’t remember. I’m sorry for your loss. It’s ok to be a mess sometimes too.

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