Melbourne Business owner looking to connect
I’m a small business owner looking to connect with others who might be in a similar position. I work from home full-time while also caring for my baby (don’t ask me how I manage it!). Running my business takes up all my time, and over the years, I’ve developed some anxiety about forming friendships. After experiencing employee-employer relationships that left me questioning their sincerity, I’ve found myself becoming more cautious about trusting others and have unintentionally isolated myself.
I recognise that this isn’t a healthy mindset and am planning to seek help from a therapist to work through it. However, I still find it difficult to connect with people. Perhaps it’s the nature of my role—it can be isolating—and, as small business owners, we often lack the support structures available to others.
Recently, I met someone who proudly shared how they take advantage of their work-from-home situation by doing the bare minimum. While everyone is entitled to their own perspective, as a business owner who values hard work and integrity, I found it challenging to relate. I’ve been an employee myself and always believed in giving my best, so it’s tough for me to hear these things without feeling disheartened.
I’d love to connect with others who share similar experiences and values. Are there any supportive groups or communities for small business owners that you’d recommend? Any advice would also be greatly appreciated.
Hey where are you based? I’ll be in Elwood in mid February and happy to meet up :)