Gestational Diabetes?

Was anyone else diagnosed with gestational diabetes? This is my second baby and my second time with gestational diabetes. I had my first at 36 W 4 Days because of it. I’m currently 35 W 4 Days. My doctor doesn’t believe I’ll make it to my Feb 14th induction date. Definitely getting nervous as time goes on. Just curious if anyone out there is going through the same thing?
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I had it and went into labor at 36+5

Had it with my first and delivered 37w3d. Currently have it with my second and I’m 35 weeks. Doctor said I’ll be induced between 37 and 38 weeks this time

I have it but all I have to do is check my sugar 4 times a day it’s been good my dr will induce me at 39 if I don’t have him before that

What about GD makes labour come early? I didn’t get told this I’m the same as Keaira and just got told that if I took my blood sugars x4 a day and it’s within normal range that I’m fine! it’s only if I have to be medically managed that they will induce at 39 weeks-40 weeks

@Megan my early labor was due to my uterus not being able to keep baby in any longer (it was extra thin) they said my GD didn't have anything to do with it

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