Don't give any of them to them if they mean something to you. He should respect your values even if they are childish (if that is his reasoning). They are yours. The end. You do what you want with your own items. Unless they are causing harm or are gross or something reasonable you shouldn't have to give them away or donate them or share or any of that. No matter what they are, stuffed animals or other items. If you hold value to them he should understand and accept that. He doesn't have to agree but that's not his place, it's yours.
Tbh idk definitely on the fence as I don’t share the same sentiment towards stuffed animals. I’d give anything of mine to my kids if it was safe (obviously) stuffed animals are in the realm of toys so I see why he’d think they’re for kids (if it was jewelry or breakable items I’m sure his views would differ) Keep the ones in a safe space and make sure they’re out of reach/view so she won’t want them.
He just doesn't get it about the animals. Don't worry, there are things from his childhood he wouldn't want to give up either, you just don't know what they are. No need to feel bad or do any deep questioning here. You can confidently tell him it's not happening, and he should stop bringing it up.
My family have kept their sentimental teddies, and it was kind of encouraged to keep them too. Currently, my sentimental teddies are in my LOs room on a shelf. But, if he's trying to say they're for kids and that adults can't keep them, then does he play videogames? Because a lot of people still believe that's not for adults and there is a massive argument against that. Does he have anything stereotypically child like? There are plenty of adults who have teddies, and collect them, and displays them. I know a few women and mums who have shelves of the squishy teddies. Perhaps you could discuss where to display them if thats the issue, I wouldn't get rid of anything and wouldn't ask my husband too, maybe an office room or your side of the room to display them? Would he still be mad if you had them in a box in a wardrobe?
Hi, unpopular opinion but people who don't hold sentiment value in material things don't get it. I don't get it. My husband has 4 crates full of trinkets that he says mean something to him. I don't believe in things like that, I think if you haven't looked at it for quite some time you should let it go. I also believe is unhealthy for adults to be possessive over their "possessions" unless it's a valuable collection, vintage heirloom or things of that sort. Do not take this the wrong way , it's just my opinion as I was raised to hold people and moments dear to my heart , mention them often and do not tie them to a physical thing. My opinion might be wrong for most, but probably that's why your husband is saying things like that, maybe try to explain in detail why you wouldn't share them with your kids, compare to something that would make sense to him in order for him to understand.
@Bonny not everyone hold on to things from when they were 5. Or 10..especially not boys. Guys don't usually have that stuff .I don't have anything from mine as kid either. I would of wanted to give to my girl if I had anything of use..I want her, if she wants it, to take my stuff she wants. I don't want to teach her hoarding. Stiff is stuff. Unless it's rare few items or gold value. I don't want to teach this materialist life that already so much saturated with nonsense from tiktok etc telling girls mostly how to accumulate everything they touch, paper, pen. Just nonsense movie stub.. unreal.
@Simona if only they taught this to the world. If only. Ppl. That grew up with very little hold on to tiny things. . It's a disease really. As they age out into 5p and 60.. it gets worse. Much worse old ppl hoard. I had a parent that did it is an illness. Also substituting buying stuff for missing things in their life.. if they had few friends, they shop, bad marriage, they shop. Etc when they die, we have to deal with moving they garbage out.. imagine dealing with a deaf parent and them all their sh*** because they kept on buying and worse is hoarders house
Is it mainly the stuffed animals or is it talked about generally? Could it be how he feels about you having stuffed animals as an adult? Have you tried asking him if he will be passing down his prized possessions? Try to get to the bottom of it.