@Lauren He says Mama Ball No Boo One Bye bye Apple Attempts to say open Yeah Baby du du Quacks like a duck Baaaaa’s like a sheep Has said dog a couple times Motor skills he walked at 8 months He know climbs on everything Love blocks Knocks on the door Slides cards in and out slot for his digital card reader Like to unplug things Feeds himself Waves hello Makes kissing noise when he is trying to give something kisses Waves bye bye
Sign language, animal sounds or environmental sounds (like choo choo when they mean train) all count, as do mispronounced words if they are intentional and consistent.
What @GMF said. As long as they use them consistently to mean the same thing they count. At least this is how they assess it in the UK.
Yes and no, if they say Dada or mama, then ma ma ma or da, that is just mama & daddy. If they say things like Doe for Go, up, down, no, yeah/yes This is what a speech pathologist/ early Educator would count/ keep a close list of. Like Ju wouldn't count for juice because it's a big word but da for Dada would bc it's a common word. Mil is fine for milk, things like that. But again all toddlers develope and grow at their own speed. If your child is behind in literacy/ language, I'm sure they are stronger in other domains of early growth & development. Gross motor, sensory, fine motor, math (building, patterns, singing songs) which is also considered literacy lol He's doing great mama