@Megan thanks for sharing, coming home with a frozen stash would be great! I'm pumping every two hours during the day but there's not much else to do while I wait for my babies to come home. Mine are apparently huge for their age at 4lb 5oz and 4lb 10oz!
Soon enough they’ll tell you they have enough in the NICU and you’ll be and to start your at home stash! So glad they’re so big! They be home before you know it
Congrats mama!! My twins were also born at 32+2 2lbs 6oz and 3lbs 10oz. We spent 6 weeks in the NICU and I pumped AROUND THE CLOCK for them. I was able to stash SOOO much milk for them while they were in the NICU. I haven’t been able to freeze any anymore as they’re big growing boys now who will be 6 months next week but I’m so greatful I was so ridged with my pumping schedule in the beginning in order to keep up such a great supply