Teething 😩😩😩

2nd time Mum and forgot how much I hate it 😩 and this little one is worse than my first! Nothing I seem to do helps, I’ve tried teething gels, calpol/nurofen, cold dummies, teething toys, letting him gum on a muslin! He seems to be really struggling with it poor little soul 🥲
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Gave you tried anbesol teething liquid??

I’ve got an amber teething bracelet for my little boy, seems to have helped so far. Also Ashton’s and parsons powder and anbesol! We’ve got the liquid but they also do a teething gel. They do both in chemists x

Completely forgot about anbesol! Have ordered some thanks! Praying it does something 😅

Any idea which is better, gel or liquid?

I don't know about the gel but the liquid has been great for my now 19 month old

@Kirsty thank you!

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