Just small things to help them feel involved and not left out or replaced. Make time to sit down and play with your toddler even if you’re wearing the baby or in cot next to you 🥰 these things I found helped, however there were a few moments of jealousy which is completely normal and new ways of expressing their emotions but it’s all part of the learning curve. Just try not to stress and take each day as it comes 🥰
15 months between my boys. Our biggest thing was getting our baby used to being put down awake/not needing to be rocked to be settled. We rocked with our first which meant if you needed to do a nap but were on your own it was hard to juggle. We got our eldest involved as much as possible, by either getting us things, counting things, or we read to them so they were getting interaction too during feeds. I got a playpen to put the baby in (especially for when I had put him down for a nap) so that I didn't have to keep saying watch out or no. Made things so negative, so the playpen meant I wasn't having to stop my 15 month old play (otherwise toys would end up with or on the baby 🤦🏼♀️) Noise! Let them get used to it Baby wear when you can so you can still get on with bits Keep routines and adjust as and when slowly so your toddler doesn't resent that everything is changing We got some dolls, so our eldest got used to being gentle with the baby, feeding, cuddling, getting used to me holding, feeding etc
My daughter was born in May 2022 and we had number 2 a couple of weeks ago. We did a lot of speaking about how her baby sister will come out of my tummy, she will cry a lot, usually because she wants cuddles or milk etc, she likes to help with nappies (she will unfold the new one for me for example) and likes showing her the black and white books. We thought she was going to react badly as she’s a mummy’s girl but she is absolutely besotted and sits stroking her hair and asking for cuddles. There has been some behavioural changes in the sense of attention seeking, she will throw cushions off the chair and various other things she’s never done before but thankfully none of this is towards the baby, just things that would get a reaction from us
My boy born in June 22 is also a mummy's boy. We had our second in October. My biggest tips would be done be holding baby when you introduce them, talk to baby about how great their big brother is. I also found talking to my son's teddy bear about him saying "Woody is such a lovely boy he's a great big brother" has helped a lot! Make some time each day where you can for just time you two, mine is bed time, and my partner will take baby out for a walk at the weekend for more time. If there's any aggression or upset towards the baby just be understanding and make sure they know they still matter x
Get them involved and to help where they can 🥰 my LG would get nappies for me and help change her brother. Even holding the bottle to help feed xxx