@Erica thank you I guess I feel bad coz we have sat round all weekend and we didn’t go baby group coz I feel pants this morning. It’s just hard coz I’m doing it alone and I just feel like I’m not doing enough. Sometimes I don’t even have the energy to clear or put the washing away and I just feel so bad
I feel the exact same!
That's exactly how I felt around this time. I started part time work around then because I had this feeling. Or if you have a way to afford - or get a loan, online school also helped me feel productive. Maybe these can help :)
I find forcing myself to even go a short half hour walk with baby really helps with this feeling
the first few months of their life is always the same repetitive thing. at least until they start eating solids and then the routine starts to switch up a bit
I understand completely but try and remember you’re doing exactly what your baby needs from you and that’s your main job right now. It might feel like you’re not doing “anything” but to your baby you’re doing everything. Also, you wont feel like this forever but for now you’re doing so much and your doing amazingly 🤗
I spent my whole maternity leave doing this. I think it’s so overwhelming taking them out when they are little because it’s remembering to pack everything, worrying where you will feed them, are they warm enough. There’s so much to think about before you go out that you just end up not going out. I felt the no energy feeling but there’s so much to do with a 6 month old that I wouldn’t worry about always going out. I found doing a little workout when baby goes to bed helped though. Even if it’s just a random dance workout on YouTube x
I felt like that some days, I just made sure I went out to a play group or something once a day to break the day up.. but staying home all day is totally acceptable. The first year is so bloody hard, do what works 👌🏻
There are lots of places you can take her! Libraries have kiddy things Earlyon programs are free swimming Stroller walks when it's less cold 😅 The more you get out the easier it is Laziness happens (you're okay!!❤)
Hi Billie, you are not alone. I feel the same way. I don’t see it as lazy, I mean you are taking care of the baby, doing laundry and all sorts of chores round the house. I think as new mums we are pressured to do too much, just be up and about. But it’s ok to have chill days, sit around and rest up. Just want to say you are doing enough ❤️