I’m so sorry you’re having to deal with her! She sounds awful x
Wow... She sounds like a nightmare... I think you should have a serious chat with your husband and get him to regulate his mother!!!
Have you got anyone else that can look after the baby? She sounds absolutely ridiculous and you need to get your husband to deal with her. I would try and go low contact for a while - your husband can see her (and you and baby stay home)
Oh my god she sounds like a nightmare. I’m so sorry. Just start effervescently stating your opinion on every time she kicks off, and most importantly get your partner on side. - when she wants baby when he’s eating? ‘No, he is not finished eating. You can wait until he’s done.’ - when she says ‘I am a parent and have done this before’ - ‘and this is my child. What says, goes. You’re really overstepping right now and I’ve been graceful in the past and let it slide, but that stops now.’ - when she follows you from one room to another, tell her to leave you be. He needs naps for development, acts up when he hasn’t slept, you know the baby better than her - when she says to not change him? Unreal. Would she sit there in shit and piss? No? Get real.
My partner just wants everyone to be happy so for him he’s quite a chilled out person anyway he’s hating this. I just wish I could move further out. Like his siblings have done. He hasn’t spoken to her yet and I just don’t know what to do anymore. She expects me to send her articles of any point I make to back it up, if it’s NHS website and it says most vulnerable at 6 months she’s like oh he’s not 6 months anymore so it doesn’t apply (about hand washing RSV etc). There’s way more I can say but run out of energy and just fed up
Sorry you mil is acting how she is, I found reading it hard so I can't imagine dealing with it. Especially the breast reduction- I'd be furious. Your husband needs to be on your side and be a united front, so id tackle that first. Do you need her help? If not, then I'd limit it.