Question for those exclusively breastfeeding

Hello! I guess this is actually more than one question from a mama who is a bit stuck on what I should be doing right now. My little girl is one at the end of February and I have pretty much always exclusively breastfed, apart from at the beginning when she was first born and I needed to top her up with pumped milk because of jaundice. I always said that I would try and breastfeed, whether exclusively or combi, until she was one, and now we’re almost here I feel so odd about the idea of stopping any time soon. I crave some freedom and solitude on a regular basis, but the desire to breastfeed always seems to override any of those feelings. Is anyone else feeling the same? Another important thing to mention here is that whenever I try and pump now, I do find that I don’t get anywhere near as much as I seem to provide her when breastfeeding. Does anyone else have this? My next question is, if you are breastfeeding exclusively then how much are you doing it? I don’t feed to sleep for bedtime and nap time - there is always a book or rocking etc - but breastfeeding is regularly used overnight if she wakes up, and as mentioned, I do feed her before naps (which I’m reading, I should now apparently try and stop doing). I sometimes wonder if because I had a complicated journey into breastfeeding at the beginning because of being put on a feeding plan for her jaundice, I do wonder if it has become more of an anxiety thing than that she actually needs it as much now. I feed her when she wakes up, before her first nap, sometime between her first and second nap, before her second nap, and then before bed (if i’m honest sometimes there is an extra feed in there between the last nap and bed). She is a snacker though, so this has always only ever been for between 5 to 8 minutes. Would love some kindness and advice from those who exclusively breastfeed ❤️
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I think you should do whatever you feel comfortable with. A lot of people including health care professionals advice and tell you to stop certain things when in fact only you know what’s good for your baby and when you should stop. As she’s nearly one she will be eating more and maybe requires less breastmilk. I’m also in the same boat but I will continue doing it because it’s what my baby prefers and also her comfort. I don’t really listen to anyone when it comes to my child, there’s no right or wrong way to do anything. If you’re pumping at a time where your baby doesn’t feed it might be harder for you because I think your body will then produce around that time. If there’s a set time your baby feeds that’s probably why you’re not getting anywhere with the pumping. The main thing is that your child is nearly one and by that time milk will not be their only main source of nutrition as they have food. I breastfeed mine the same way you feed yours. Including nights.

I have never pumped so I cant help with that! But I am still feeding in demand whenever she wants it day/night and I am unsure what to do! I feel like we need to start weaning at some point this year but I am not ready to stop feeding atm and I dont feel like she is yet! She eats VERY well tbh and drinks water during meals well too so its most likely comfort atm My sister fed her son until close to 2 yrs and my cousin was the same so I feel like I will go down that route too Its completely your journey and your decision!

You don't need to stop feeding before naps as long as it's working for you. Pumping wise I rarely get a lot but get much more if I hand express. I feed on demand during the day and during the night. I fed my first until just after 2 but had to set boundaries as he was getting a bit obsessed with it. I'll do the same this time round if needs be but I'm not even thinking about stopping yet as my baby is still young and relies on it a lot.

Hey! My baby has naturally gone down to 2 feeds (1 at bedtime, 1 in the night). Now he's 11 months I've cut out the night feed (my husband bottle feeds him which he actually seems to like!) because I want to quit completely when he's a year old. (My first baby decided to give up on her 1st birthday all on her own). I do feel emotional about it ending this time as I know he's my last baby, but he's getting so big now the feeding sessions are becoming really uncomfortable! I was never very good at pumping first time around so didn't even try this time! x

I'm having exactly the same feelings and dilemmas. Plus now she's got a few baby teeth (it's painful) but she uses bf for comfort and to sleep. I'm not sure how to stop or ween off.

Hey! We were also mixed feeding at the start because of jaundice, and then a delayed start in establishing a good latch. A couple of months down the line, we found it easier to EBF so very similar to you. Initially my goalpost was to BF until 6m, then 12m, now that’s approaching I am thinking 13m or at very latest 18m. I completely relate to craving for the freedom but bigger desire to remain breastfeeding! Haven’t pumped in a while but suspect I wouldn’t produce as much milk versus feeding bub, too! Currently we feed upon wake up, for 1st nap, before bedtime and overnight. We feed on demand too so some days this may increase ie in the middle of the day. Soon, I’m hoping to introduce cows milk also, so that when I’m in work, my family can give it to little one. He’s also really good with solids and drinking water, but when we reattempted formula at 7m, absolutely wouldn’t take it x

I said I’d breastfeed to 6 months, then a year now I’m not putting a time limit on it. I tried really hard to pump and still have a life but it didn’t work out. She hasn’t taken a bottle since she was 3 months old but does drink well from a sippy cup. I currently feed before first nap, mid afternoon (I try my best to time it with second nap) and bedtime. Usually once in the night but not always. As we approach her first birthday I’m hoping to drop the mid afternoon feed or replace it with cows milk and switch breakfast with the first feed so I can go back to work/generally be away from her during the day. I think the bedtime feed and overnight feeds will be the last to go and I’m okay with that. It’s such a short time in the scheme of things. I couldn’t imagine being away from her overnight anyway just yet. WHO recommends BF to 2yo so probably will aim for that. Best thing for them at the end of the day

Thank you so much everyone for your really kind and considerate messages ❤️ I so appreciate it x

My little girl is one next week and is still exclusively breastfeeding at a similar frequency to you! I do think she goes through phases of feeding more often for comfort (tooth related I have begun to believe). I’ve always planned to leave the ball in her court and feed for as long as she wants to. A couple of weeks ago she had a nursing strike which lasted 3 days (again, tooth related) and I found it so incredibly difficult as I thought maybe it was the end of our BF journey. However she is back to normal again now and it made me totally appreciate how special breastfeeding is and now I cherish every feed 🥰 just do what works and feels best for you and your baby! Xx

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