Yeah they wouldn’t do it any sooner unless medically necessary or if you go into labour. Some trusts will do it from 38 weeks but if you’ve been told 39+ then likely that’s the rule for your hospital.
They would only bring it forward if you developed any complications. I had to have mine moved forward by 2 weeks as I developed Cholestasis towards the end of my pregnancy.
Mine was brought forward but only because I had reduced fluid and reduced movements...went in for a scan on the Monday and they told me I'd be put on the list for the Tuesday. We hadn't even built the cot!
They won’t bring it forward unless medically needed. Xx
Thanks all xx
Mine was brought forward because I really pushed for it - technically medical (I’d gotten to 10cm with my first before an emergency c-section so was more likely to go into labor early with my second and I had a Lot of anxiety about that after a traumatic 5 day labor with my first). But moreso me pushing than them deeming it a medical reason. Had it 38 + 3
The only way they’ll do it earlier is: medically, going into labor, or if it’s your 3rd c-section. My OB that did my last c-section (2nd) at 39+2 that if we had a 3rd, the c-section would be at 38 weeks.
Mine was only brought foward after I tested positive for late onset gestational diabetes
Hi! I’ve had two c sections. One with a singleton and one with twins. Both scheduled. My singleton c section was set for 39+1. I made it to that date. My di/di twins were scheduled for 38 weeks. I ended up going into labor at 37+4 so they did my c section a few days early. If you’re medically well I don’t think they move it up. I know the hospital itself has guidelines on when a planned c section can be scheduled for.
From what I have been told not before 39 weeks without medical reasons, that could just be our hospital though x