I'm just sharing my experience. I'm doing a mix of both this time. Supplementing with formula is wonderful to keep your sanity. If you can afford it, then do it. With my 1st, I struggled so hard to have enough breastmilk for my baby boy. I tried so hard for it. I had many a night where I cried my eyes out with chapped and / or splitting nipples and a crying infant. I had to supplement as it was too hard for me to produce for him. I'm on my second baby. This time, a girl. She is just as milk happy, but I'm producing so much more now. I can audibly hear her gulping down milk with breastfeeding. I'm feeling more fulfilled, but I do supplement with formula occasionally at night as I just can't do it forever at night. It was making me crazy and I think it is so worth it to have a healthy and happy baby.
There is also a baby brezza formula machine that I almost get for my first baby because she couldn’t latch. It is like a coffee machine but for formula and everyone I know that has it, loves it!! Although if you’re comfortable with those ready to feed and can afford it I don’t see why would it be a problem! There are 8oz ready to feed formulas that come in bottles too that we use to get with our first for when we were out and about and I didn’t feel comfortable to breastfeed and they work great too if your baby is eating more you can just use a smaller bottle and keep the rest in the fridge. https://babybrezza.com/products/formula-pro-advanced
My baby most of the time took 3-5oz per feed, which is hard to divide up with the small ready to feed bottles. So in a month or so you might have to find another solution. I mixed powder once at night in the Dr. Browns pitcher the entire next day's worth using a kitchen scale and kept it in the fridge. Your baby might be able to take fridge temp milk, which would make this even easier!
@Florencia I have one of these unopened! I have two concerns with it, first don’t you have to clean the filter every 4 bottles? Seems like I’d be cleaning filters all day! Second, is the water boiling when it contacts the powder? The lactation consultants at the hospital scared me about cronobacter (a bacteria) that can grow in baby formula and insisted water be boiling upon contact with the powder to kill any germs in the powder. I always thought the boiling was about sanitizing the water🤷♀️ Regardless, seems cronobacter is incredibly rare and the pediatrician didn’t seem to think I should worry about it. She said her clients love the Baby Brezza!Maybe I’ll have to take it out of the box. Did you get extra filters? CDC info on cronobacter: https://www.cdc.gov/cronobacter/prevention/index.html#:~:text=Overview,days%20or%20weeks%20of%20life.
I don’t have it so I wouldn’t know the exact number of times you need to clean the filters I’m sorry!!! My friends who have it, love it though! I never used boiling water for formula and I didn’t know about this. Thank you for the info!!
If you can afford it and it’s healthy for your baby then do it. I’m all for paying for things to save my sanity.