
Hi. Im just wondering how people have got on in the past with combi feeding and what are potential pros and cons? Whats the best method for feeding at night with fomula?
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We combo fed initially because baby lost a bit too much birth weight. I wasn’t keen, but an unexpected pro was that my partner could do an evening bottle feed allowing me a couple of hours solid sleep. This also got baby used to having a bottle (which can be harder to do if you start later), so all the way through we were able to bottle feed her when necessary (either with breastmilk or formula) eg in the car, or when I needed a break. This didn’t affect my supply, or baby’s desire for feeding on the breast, so I’d say it worked out really well for us…I can’t actually think of any cons…

That's amazing! Thankyou!

We will aim to combi feed from day one as well and will definitely aim to try and express and use bottles too for same reason as above! Hoping to be able to breast feed but also not putting unnecessary pressure on it, it didn’t go very well with my first so I have managed my expectations this time round! For middle of the night feed I would take up a sealed pre-made formula bottle and a sterilised bottle- pour the amount he would usually drink, feed, put back down to sleep and then take the remaining formula and put it in the fridge as once opened it lasts 24 hours

We combo fed with my first due to him needing an mri at 4days old and had to be in a milk coma and after two hours in the boob was still awake 🫣 The combo feeding really helped my husband bond with him and it also meant I got st least 5 hours sleep as I would go to bed 8pm-1am and then take back over. Our routine ended up with boob in the evening through to early morning and then alternating between the two. The down side for me was I struggled to get my supply up so only ended up with 3 months of breast feeding. This time I'm pumping from day one so we can do bottle and boob with more breast milk hopefully in ether form than formula. Hope that helps. Xx

Thankyou so much!

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