Usually, it is fairly short notice. I was told on the Monday, had my pre-op appointment on the Wednesday & c-section on the Friday
I had one with my little girl, in 2021, we found out on the Monday that we were having her the following Friday, I got a call x
I had an elective c-section. They do them on a Tuesday (I think) or Friday. They usually ring you the Friday before (although this was 18 months ago so it might have changed) to let you know if it will be the Tuesday or Friday of the following week. So I got a call to say my c-section would be the following Friday and I had my pre-op the day before on the Thursday
I had the call on Friday, pre-op on Monday and C-section on the Tuesday.
Thank you I will wait and see if I hear anything Friday unless anything happens before 😅
I haven’t personally but a friend of mine found out on the Monday and had hers that same Friday 😊