I know this is TMI but I need help/ opinions. Ever since I’ve had my second daughter, I’ve had this foul discharge. It’s an egg white/ slimy consistency almost. it ranges from pale yellow to kind of green a little and it kind of smells too. I’ve asked my dr about it and she said “sometimes this is just the new normal after having kids”. But I just can’t believe that. It’s affecting my sex life because I have to stop and go clean myself right before and I’m embarrassed. I wash myself everyday, I take women’s probiotics. Has anyone else experienced this?
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Did your doctor do a smear test to see if you might have a bacterial infection?

I would demand one if they haven't done one. Maybe you need to go on antibiotics

You probably should wait to have sex until you get that checked out

That’s sounds like BV. You definitely need to demand your doctor do a test. Discharge is normal however if it has a smell or makes you feel uncomfortable about you SO smelling it then it’s not normal.

@Dianna not sure what test she did but she got a swab from me and she said i tested positive for strep b. put me on antibiotics but nothing changed.

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