I know the health visitor is meant to see you around day 10, again around 6-8 weeks and again at 12-16 weeks. You then see the GP at 6-8 weeks for their check and immunisations at the GP. Midwives usually discharge you straight away unless they have any concerns. I was seen at day 10 and that was it, I had to chase them for the 12-16w check as I wanted to know how much baby girl weighed but their support was non existent for me xx
We were told by the midwife when in hospital to contact the GP if we hadn’t heard from them after 2 weeks to book in the 6 week check up as they don’t always reach out to book it, even if you’ve registered them. I followed this advice and was able to book it straight away, which is a check up for me and little one. We had 2 visits from the community midwife before being discharged (would have been more but spent 16 days in hospital, and were still being seen by hospital outreach team as our little one was 5 weeks early). We’ve also had the health visitor come out and due to come out again this week. Also have the 8 week jabs booked, but again had to contact the GP myself to book. Hope this helps! xx
I had midwife at day 1, 3, 5 and 10 then discharged. Health visitor at day 12, then 6 weeks. Then it's usually not again until 1, but because my daughter has some health issues she's coming every 2 weeks until 16 weeks . GP appointment 6 weeks for both me and baby "check" and first set of jabs at 8 weeks
My baby is 6 weeks today and i called my GP yesterday to make an appointment as they told me before that they'd rather do 8 weeks ap and have the vaccination done at the same time. I asked my GP a few weeks back as I transferred there and wasn't sure if they had our details, etc.
I had a midwife visit the first 10 days after we were discharged from the hospital, then I've seen the health visitor when my wee one was 2 weeks and then 4 weeks, she's coming out again this week and I also have my GP check up this week as they were fully booked last week which was my 6 weeks! I had to register baby before I could make my go appointment as they needed a document that is provided at registration for them to be registered at my health centre and they booked in our check up the same time I handed the form in! I'm based in the west of Scotland so it could be different depending where you are based x