Re-usable nappies

So my child’s childminder has messaged and said when my youngest goes she’d like to trial re-usable nappies, I don’t know how to feel about this? How would you guys?
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Why are people saying absolutely not?? Out of curiosity

Are they hers or would you have to purchase them? If I had to purchase a load of them (and you would need a load) for someone else to "trial" with MY child then I would probably have a problem. Then again if they're hers, I wouldn't trust someone else's just hygiene wise tbh. But I'm not sold on them anyway.

She’s buying them, and I know I don’t trust the cleaning and if she’s got multiple children surely they won’t all have separate ones either

How do I tell her no nicely 😂

Have you asked her why? Maybe she's trying to be more eco friendly, not wanting to dispose of nappies in her own bin. If I was a childminder I personally wouldn't want to handle someone else's child's poo more than absolutely necessary but each to there own I suppose.

If you want to say no. Just say baby is sensitive and you'd rather her stick to your own nappies.

@Jess she’d be handling the poo more using reusable nappies compared to throw away ones! You wouldn’t be a young child provider if you didn’t mind nappies as that’s just a given x

That's what I mean. I personally wouldn't want to be washing someone else's child's poo. Has she explained why she wants to?

Your baby, your rules!

I have used cloth nappies for with my children and plan to use on my baby. There is very much a taboo mindset with cloth nappies as it isnt the ‘norm’. Cloth nappies are perfectly hygienic when washed correctly and actually will be gentle on your babies skin more that plastic nappies. I would recommend asking your childminder for more details, how she’s planning on using them, washing etc as it sounds like this is new to you. If anything you should see this as a huge positive cause it will save you money x

Also if you don’t trust the cleanliness of your childminder you probably shouldn’t send them there 😳

@Jade it’s not the cleanliness of my childminder I go in her house almost every odd day, it’s beautiful but nappies are another story😂

No different to if you child wets the bed or is sick etc. they just get washed on 60, rinsed throughly and are cleaned. She will be scraping off any solids into the toilet so it won’t be being washing in a load of turds 😂 I think people don’t really understand how they are cleaned so hence the negative views. It sounds like you’ve kind of made your mind up anyway, but as it is a trial you could give her a chance to change your mind and see how you get on

I've got 2 kids in cloth nappies, new baby and my just turned 2 toddler. When you've got your system sorted they work great. I'd be all for a childminder using them. I would want some more details though. Has she every used cloth nappies before? Is she buying new ones, does she have them already, is she buying 2nd hand? There is a learning curve to cloth nappies and no 2 kidds are the same, what worked for my daughter as a baby hasn't worked for my son. Most importantly she needs to have a solid wash routine a the correct temp etc as otherwise nappies can have an ammonia build up which isn't great on little ones skin.

i'm the same as sîan above, 2 in cloth nappies and i absolutely love them! but i agree i'd have some questions

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100% no chance. I do enough for the environment, my baby wearing nappies for the short period of his life isn’t something I’m willing to change. I personally think all you need to say is ‘no thank you, I’d appreciate if you stick to the current nappies’ if you decide against. If she has other children she can use them as her Guinea pig… I do think hygiene is a big concern, there is a massive difference between her changing a nappy, and wiping down surfaces, to actually handling faeces from several children… especially if she’s new to this, and doesn’t have a fool proof system like the mum’s above have clearly mastered (kudos to them!)

@Chloe yeah she’s completely new to this, I mentioned my sister had used them and asked if she could buy hers off her so I’m assuming she’s going to go second hand which is what got me in the first place!

I think she's best teaming up with a parent that already uses (or wants to) cloth nappies so they can work together to learn how they work. If you mentioned about your sister I'm guessing that's potentially why she's asked you specifically. I had to only cloth my son part time whilst I figured out what worked so as she's new to it I definitely think she needs someone to help her figure it out, especially in a childcare setting. There's no issue with 2nd hand nappies, it's just making sure they're washed, stripped and sanitised properly. I'd direct her to 'Cloth Nappies UK' on Facebook so she can get some extra advise x

Yeah that personally doesn’t sit right with me at all, but that’s just my preference!

For me personally I just don't want the extra washing i would have to do, I might be wrong as I have only ever used disposable nappies but they seem like a faff as well

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