I love my husband dearly but I'm a sahm and he works from home. I don't get the chance to miss him. Sometimes I think would you just please gooooo 😅
I love my man. But pant sniffing is several steps too far 😂
@Sorrel 🤣 Hey it's the same as shirt sniffing!
His balls aren’t in his shirt 😂 Maybe lost in translation pants are usually boxers here!
I love my husband, when he’s out of town I spray his cologne on my sleeves haha
Mmmm love the smell of plumber pants (my man is a plumber)
The fucker now sprays his pillow with my favorite cologne before going to work at night or when he is away for work ... needless to say he doesn't own any hoodies anymore
And this is why my man used to own 100 hoodies and now only owns 2. 😬