I get sent pictures when my LB is at nursery. I see he’s usually around the same kids so I just asked nursery if they were his friends and who he plays with the most. They confirmed who so I invited them to his party. I can’t physically invite all the kids as there isn’t enough room and he has friends outside of nursery as well x
So parties haven’t really started at our Nursey yet - I think it’s not until they are a little older usually 🥰
Are y'all nervous about arranging/attending a party for a bunch of kids and parents you've never met? 😬
I’m not expecting parties/wont be doing one till at least pre-school age. Each to their own but for me they’re too young at the minute. First year of school our eldest had a party every other week and it was exhausting and expensive, the longer I can put it off the better! Didn’t take long though to get to know the parents enough for a little small talk at the parties, no big deal!
Ask the nursey staff if they could ask the other parents for permission to share contact details.
I invited 8 kids to my daughters birthday party on Thursday last week, only heard back from 1 parent. 🥲 hoping to hear back from more. All that was allowed to be given is first names of the kids my daughter plays with, and then I put name and number for them to get in touch with me x
We recently got invited to one of our daughter’s nursery friends birthday party and the parent had just asked for all the children’s names who they play with at nursery (there’s only 6 in one room at our nursery) and an invite was put in their bag by the staff. Was really lovely to see our daughter interact with the other children at the party as you could tell they were her ‘friends’ as opposed to just a group of kids the same age x