Yes, as of yesterday
I am. Its going ok-ish. We are friendly and its not too bad but boy I'm ready to move out. Seeing him everyday still doing the things we broke up over does annoy me. Just waiting for my flat to be ready in March.
@Deanne How old is your child? I was thinking about living together until our lease is up because our baby is only 4 months old and still wakes every 2-4 hours
We did it and he still lived with us and I’ve been with my now husband since 2019
I have for 3 years now. We have 4 kids together. But we are currently in a one bedroom so we all share one room. We sleep in same bed sometimes and are intimate here and there. We have bad days but mostly good ones. It's hard sometimes because I still love him and wanted things to work but he doesn't want to commit and change his ways and lifestyle and it hurts
Talking from experience. Would not recommend it at all. Be very confusing for the child. Potentially the adults. I get if you are mutual grounds. Isn’t healthy for anyone going forward
My boy is 7 months. He was waking up every 2 hours up until 2 weeks ago. Switched him to formula and its been a lot better maybe 2 -3 wake ups now. How long do you have until your lease ends. It really depends on your relationship and how toxic it is
@Marcie That's not really being separated. Sounds more one sided sadly :(((
As in you’re separated?