Can you choose induction or c-section?

40+2 today with two sweeps so far, have another booked for Thursday and then if nothing the midwife said we can go for induction on at 41 weeks. Is it possible then on my Thursday appointment to opt for a planned c-section instead and does anyone know what the drawbacks of this would be? Really don’t want to be induced as I feel quite anxious anyway due to two previous miscarriages. Thank you x
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From my understanding yes you can opt for a planned c-section! I’m 41+2 and set to be induced on Thursday! I too have had two sweeps and another on Wednesday - no signs of labour thus far! I I don’t want to get induced either 🙈 toying with the idea of doing a planned c-section as well as I’ve heard horror stories about induction, the process, the pain, and how most seem to end in a c-section anyway! But at the same time, I do want to try and have a natural delivery and give my body the opportunity to at least try. Sorry to hear about your two previous miscarriages, but I don’t think an induction increases the risk and worst case scenario if things start to deteriorate with babies vitals or yours, they’ll do what they can to stabilize or do an emergency c-section.

I think it’s ultimately up to you but they would deffo advise you went with induction over c section unless you had any complications / high risk etc x

You can choose; I would opt for section. I was induced with my first and I’m having a section with my second on Friday

I was in a slightly different situation with non-progressive labour but I was told my options were induction or section. They were pushing for induction but I had already decided this wasn't what I wanted, so I asked for a section and they respected my choice.

Natural birth does come with less risk if you look at the numbers nevertheless both routes are really safe in the UK and risk is small across both. But, I was exactly the same as you. I decided I didn't want to be induced and should I not be able to have the baby naturally, I'd opt for a C-section. I personally don't have any regrets but I also never experienced induction. What I would say is a C-section is a serious operation and it helps having someone who can look after you for 6 weeks. When you have the operation there are a lot of people around but you can tell they have done it a million times and are really good at what they do! Good luck 😊

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