
I feel as though my best friend has drifted since I told her I was pregnant. She lives an hour away and although she messages she hasn’t made any effort to actually see eachother since I told her I was pregnant. When I initially told her I was pregnant she didn’t have the really happy reaction I expected but instead said how much things were going to change for us, that I’m a mum now etc. Has this happened to anyone else? Just feel a little down about it and wonder if in pregnancy friendships do just change 🤷🏼‍♀️💕
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Yep, I lost all but one friend (who lives 4 hours away 😫) during my 1st pregnancy. None have ever checked in. Still haven’t managed to make new ones tbh. Xx

Yes they do. I think a lot of people automatically assume you have changed as soon as you’re pregnant but don’t give you a chance to be the same person (albeit with a little one) or at least show the new version of yourself. I found it even worse for my husband. He’s always the first to check in with anyone and would be there at a drop of the hat if somebody needed him. He just stopped being invited out, not one of his friends made an effort to meet our kids, he got so much shit for being a boring Dad now but he’s not they just don’t include him. It’s honestly bizarre x

Yeha thur do change I lost alot Of Friendships due to jealousy ect after my first Now with my second I just have the good people around me

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