Maybe you can find some experienced to board in their home for 3 nights and have them be okay obviously with the sponantaneity of it
Are you close to any of your neighbors that you might be able to ask or any other family or friends that can go by to check on the dogs?
Can you not speak to them that this is what is most important and they can come to the hospital later? I don’t understand why they can’t do both.
If the hospital is close tell ur husband to go check on them and put the lights on the house
Speak to your vet’s office, usually they can offer boarding and chances are one of the techs probably does pet sitting on the side.
There’s a babysitter dog app called Rover. There are also doggie daycares. I hope this helps some way 😟
My old vet clinic had a short term boarding facility for situations like this. That way the staff was trained to care for and administer medication properly. This is what we did with our pet when I went into labor and it worked wonderfully. I reserved a spot for my pet the day before my due day just to be safe. We also have a wonderful pet sitter that was recommended to us when we moved here by our vet so they may be able to give you suggestions as well.
@Cindy my parents are traveling in Africa for 2 years and don’t want to be “hanging around doing nothing before baby comes”… idk I feel it’s a bit selfish of them
@Jayy hospital is 40 minutes away and parents are in Africa until my due date. I was mislead to believe they’d come early just in case of early delivery.
@Sarah what happens if you needed a spot earlier than expected? Like early delivery? Or late delivery?
@Gwendolyn we only moved to town last July so I have a few friends I’ve made but nobody my dogs are too comfy with or that wouldn’t be inconvenienced by it all.
@Gal sounds incredibly selfish imo. Sounds like they are coming for themselves to view your baby and not to support you.
@Gal I'm not sure but I'd call them and see if they have anything that could be helpful to you. They may be able with you given your situation or even point you in a different direction.
I was going to say the same as @Megan ! I’d go on Rover & see if anyone in the area can help. There is probably someone willing to be on standby. You could even give them a key the week of so they are prepared to get your dogs when it’s time!
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Our dogs didn’t need medication but we pre-packed dog food for like a month into baggies so we wouldn’t have to stress about feeding them and it was easier for my in laws to go over and feed them & let them out for us. I would start looking for a sitter that can be available within like a few weeks so they can come over whenever you go into labor!
i have 3 dogs and i had a family member come and help when i did go into labor. i would check out rover or care . com for care. obviously be upfront that its not a specific date but that youre expected to need care around (days) for x days with chance of more (incase of complications) alot of dog sitters are open like that.
I boarded my dogs for two weeks to have time to recover and be with baby before they came home I was induced so I dropped them off the day of that I was scheduled
Hiii. Do you have a local Facebook group where you can find a trusted on call dog care pro?