Reduced movements

I’m 35 weeks pregnant. I’ve had reduce movements the pattern of my baby has changed the baby doesn’t move as much and I don’t feel them kick it’s more of the baby moving around. One doctor said to me it could be because of my pattern changing. I had a midwife appointment today and they referred me to MAC were baby’s heart beat was fine, but they said to me if movements don’t improve come back even if it’s later tonight.i just don’t know what to do ?
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I have had these scenarios where I dont feel the baby move ! If you feel concerned call triage and talk to them i guess. Its better to get it checked whenever you feel concerned ..

So babies shouldn’t move less and they don’t run out of room or anything like that… movement is always the best judge for babies health and you always right to go in and check if you think it has lessened or increased. I would add to a certain point this should be significant of a change to think wow baby is being super rapid like today or baby is being really quiet because day to day will change and it’s rare to have exactly the same pattern each day. But the movement while it shouldn’t get less or more, does change, it will typically be less kick like and more jabs/rolls and a lot more body movement than specific rapid kicking. Always better to go in but you may just have to gauge the new sensations and make sure they feel regular enough to get comfortable day to day.

If you still don’t feel confident with babies movements go back! It’s always worth getting checked a million times to be on the safe side xx

Also 35 weeks and having the exact same issue. We've been at triage 2 days in a row, both times her heart rate is fine but no answers to why her movement is reduced. We've been booked in for an emergency scan but told it may not be for another 72 hours. We ended up booking a private scan for this afternoon, obviously it's not a medical ultrasound but it gave us a little reassurance to get us through the next couple of days. She's decided after 48 hours to have a little party in there this evening thank God, however we've been told by triage that if the movements reduce again that we're to go back up to be monitored. The midwife even went so far as suggesting that we'd likely be taken more seriously if we just kept going up which is so frustrating 🙃

Go back if you are worried

@Dhanashree I’ve been to MAC around 8 times throughout my pregnancy and I just feel like I’m annoying them. But it’s just not sitting with me that I can’t feel her move properly x

@Lauren Hi Lauren yeah I don’t feel kicks anymore. I just feel her back moving against my stomach but it’s like once a day. X

@Yasmin hi Yasmin I’ve been to MAC around 8 times throughout my pregnancy and I just feel like I’m annoying them. But it’s just not sitting with me that I can’t feel her move properly x

@Meg hi Megan I was thinking to go for a private scan just for reassurance but it just doesn’t shit right with me such less movement. I’m so happy you saw baby girl move around and feel her x

@Laura Hi Laura that’s what they checked for today but baby’s head is facing down. Will they do anything to move baby around or will you need c section? I think I will give them another call but I just feel like I’m wasting there time xx

@Keeley if it’s not normal for you then keep getting checked out - no one is going to think you’re annoying and if it gives you some peace of mind so be it. At least you know that baby is okay. For my first I had one instance of reduced movement at 40wks and I was induced that same day - but I also contemplated not going in because I was worried they’d think I’m just a paranoid ftm. If I hadn’t gone in I may not have had my happy healthy almost 3yo today. Always trust yourself - you know your body and baby better than anyone. With my second I went in for reduced movements a few times - and from 30wks until he was born I had weekly monitoring. My current pregnancy I’ve been into MAC about 4 times so far - and one admission from the outpatient midwifery checkup because they weren’t happy with me/my vitals Always advocate for yourself and your baby ❤️

I had this yesterday, literally so little movement and so went in. Did a trace for a couple of hours and let me go. Always trust your gut and better to be safe than sorry xx

I feel you on this. I’m 33+5 and been to triage 6 times for reduced movements. My boy has had a regular pattern since 22 weeks and it has never changed. The last week or so I’ve noticed he doesn’t kick anymore, he just moves as if he’s trying to get comfy, but today I’m having the same issue that I haven’t felt him move since 3am and it is now 1:45pm. Really unsure of what to do!! X

@Gabby Hi Gabby, I know exactly what you mean my baby had the same pattern too then now I’m getting closer it’s reduced rapidly. Aww no are you going to will triage and see what they say xx

@Madeleine yeah definitely better to be safe than sorry. I couldn’t sleep through the night I felt baby move for a good 30 minutes. Xx

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