All men or just mine?

Hubby works hybrid, which means sometimes he's at home and other times he's travelling to the office. When he's finished work and returned home/ come out of his office, he's tired, wants his own space, has no time to play with the kids, and if one of them moans/ cries he'll have a go at me saying he doesn't want to hear it (we have a 4m old, 2y old and 7y old). He will initially greet them with a hug, but doesnt do more beyond that, unless they sit quietly on his lap to watch tv or if he's playing a game with the eldest on the PlayStation. Do all dads just not have a social battery after work? I also work full time (currently on maternity leave), but I'm stoked when I return back home to see my husband and kids + all the chores waiting for me 🤣
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Idk my husband’s a pretty hands on dad even after a long stressful day at work thankfully. I’m usually the one that is overstimulated after work and need some me time to get myself together and fully detach from the work day so I go work out, read, or sit in silence for a bit before playing with my kids and interacting with my family. As long as he’s not completely detached the rest of the day or on the regular, maybe he just needs a minute to get himself together before engaging with everyone.

Absolutely not all men, mine works hybrid also, 3 days office and 2 days at home and he is so hands on with our children when he's home. You need a real conversation with him about the sharing of care for both your children. It should never be down to the woman to hold the fort, equal balance is a must. Yes we all need our own relaxation time and me time, however it needs to be shared equally.

I'm all for him winding down for the day. It's the fact that i get the mood if one of the kids set off, while im serving him dinner. But then he wants me to stay and hang out in the living room, but the kids need to also be silent.. like, its a lot.. Today i just served food for me and him and then took my food and kids to the bedroom, because i couldnt be bothered for the negative vibes đź« 

You deserve a break too! It seems a bit selfish to me🤷🏽‍♀️ also kids will be kids - it’s not your fault if they are upset or being too loud! Xx

My husband works from home full time. He helps me with lunch and naps and comes down on his breaks to see us and help

Let's not you are not alone, my husband was tired working home 4 days a week and after 1 day in the office he behaves like he just had to dig a 100ft tunnel with a teaspoon! Yet I go to work and come back to homework, bedtime routines and household floors me! After being up with a nursing child to wake up at 4am to travel for 4hours per day!!!

While my husband’s social battery is definitely out by the time he’s done with work, he will never not want to spent time with our daughter. She’s 2 and has a lot of energy so he often watches movies with her while snacking together, he kicks a soccer ball around her room with her, and plays mellow games like peek-a-boo or sings wheels on the bus. Reading books and coloring are favorites here too since we can sit in one spot and do a chill activity while healthily interacting. Maybe it would be different if we had more children but one things for sure, if he doesn’t have energy to spend time with his wife and children, he doesn’t have energy to play video games. A nap or something would be more appropriate than a grown man with 3 children playing games. I will just never understand how a husband/ father would rather look at an overstimulating screen facing a wall than be present with the family he created. 7 yr old’s need face to face interaction, not looking at a screen side by side🤷🏻‍♀️

My husband is pretty hands on when he reutrns home. There are on days maybe once a month where he just had an extremely rough and stressful day where he needs space. Normal he gives me a heads up letting me know he needs to lean on me to take care of everyone that evening. But I have those days too (we both work full time) but we give a heads up and lean on each other when needed. Sometimes you need that space everyonce in a blue moon after work. We try to limit this as best as possible. But we both show up for each other and our babies after a long day at work.

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