I had my first 20 months ago and am 17 weeks pregnant with twins tomorrow. I have been getting a ton of round ligament pain, it's where my c section scar is but it isn't from that because I had the same thing last time around the same time(he was 10lbs at birth so he grew fast) it's just worse this time because I'm having twins. I would mention it to your OB because they may want to make sure nothing is going on, but it's probably round ligament pain.
Thank you for the advice! I will definitely mention to my doctor and get some oil to try massaging 😄 Was such a shock to find out I was expecting twins 🤣
I had similar. Not so much pain but definitely real discomfort. If the pain goes away you’re fine- but if you get sharp pain that doesn’t go away you need medical attention asap x
@Nikki I have been joking about having twins the second time around since before I even got pregnant with my first because my husband wanted two kids and I have always wanted 3. Then I immediately had a feeling it actually is twins when I took the test. I told the ultrasound tech and she goes "well, you called it" 😂 it was still a huge shock 😂😂
No I had the same with my second.. my scar was super itchy as well. I started massaging with oil quite often.. now in my 3rd trimester it’s stopped being painful/itchy.