I would go cold turkey with the nappy but I no that is hard if your out and about, but just take lots of spare clothes and offer the toilet every 15 mins, get some little chocolate buttons or something so when she does it on the toilet reward her and make it super fun 🤩
I could have wrote this exact post when we potty trained my little girl when she was 2.5! She was potty trained in a week for wee’s however it took around 10 months for us to get her to go on the toilet for a poo, it was really really hard. We tried everything!! My advice would be to keep it really positive, if she will only go in the nappy, I wouldn’t remove this as she will end up constipated, in pain and on medication and then will only make her not want to go even more. Until she will willingly sit on the toilet and try to go, it won’t happen, so just keep encouraging it; sticker chart, reading books, making up stories, blowing bubbles, sitting on the toilet in a nappy etc one day it will just click. I know that is the worst thing you can hear when you are in the thick of it, as everyone said this to us, but they was right and it is like it never happened for us now! Good luck x
The potty training books and videos are also quite good, and reward stickers to make it more fun x
We had this issue but then my daughter would not poo in her nappy and hold it. We were told to try bubble blowing whilst on the toilet as it helps to relax and gradually we got there.
it might be she is scared maybe she has constipation or the opposite..
Your local council will have potty training support classes at their children’s centres
My son still mostly poops in his nappy during the night, this was his habit before toilet training. He has started going on the toilet now but not regularly. He never has a nappy in the day, and we don't get accidents. I'm not sure how we get him to not go in the nappy but he was doing this before so it's obviously how his body works. Just hoping at some point he starts waking up to do it
No nappy. Sit with her when she needs a poo, read a book and distract her. Only use knickers x