What do you do when your toddler screams “no!” When you’re trying to discipline them?

I grew up getting spankings and so did my husband but we’re trying to “gentle parent” and spankings just aren’t effective, especially for our toddler. But he’s also not easy to gentle parent, he’s a typical 3 yr old, huge feelings, and constant tantrums when told no. So we usually put him in time out, we have a feelings chart where we help him identify his feelings and what he can do about them together, we use distractions, etc but with doing all this he still acts up at daycare and at home, idk maybe I’m not doing something right?
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Just choose one method and stick to it. Its rough, but personally I basically just kindly tell them tough shit this is what we're doing 🤣 just in appropriate language and with kind words 🤣 If they say no then I will say something along the lines of oh dear I can see you don't want to do whatever it is and it's made you sad/angry, but unfortunately we still have to do this thing so I'll wait till you're ready. I'll give them a minute to have their tantrum then when they're done I will continue with whatever I asked them to do. If they throw another tantrum I wait again etc. Or if there's time pressures etc. and it's safe to do so I will pick them up and do what needs to be done. He'll probably fight whatever you choose to do lots but eventually hell get it!

I'm a nanny and we can't discipline the children so when kids especially toddlers throw a fit I go do chores and let them know I'm not interested and when they realize they're not getting a reaction they stop and I ask/tell them to do the task again. I repeat this process as many times as it takes until the toddler/kid realizes they aren't going to get what they want and eventual give in. It can be time consuming though so if there's not time then I push it. Example if I wanted them to throw something away I hold it in their hand and bring them to the trash even if they're kicking and screaming and then force them to put it in. I'd like to say I'm never hurting the child and theh may cry after but I give them praise for doing the task and once they stop fighting me on doing it I start giving them rewards. I'm 2 months pregnant and plan to continue this method with my own child. I know this can sound harsh but I've found it is the best way to deal with their tantrums and you can get tasks around the house done

I also ignore my kids when they have tantrums. They then stop by themselves. It usually takes less than 5 mins. If you give them attention they just keep pushing your buttons.

As a mom and teacher, I don’t believe that there are bad kids. Only children with needs without the communication skills. We use the HAULT method. We ask are you: Hungry, Angry, Uncomfortable, Lonely, or Tired? This covers just about everything! Most acting out is because they need something and they don’t know how to tell you or they simply aren’t aware of why they are feeling discomfort (this can be a sign of neuro spiciness if they’re in kindergarten). We don’t do “time out” in the traditional sense but we put his toys in time out and they don’t come back out until the next (good) day. This works pretty well for us!

Ours is almost 2. We don't use the word NO unless absolutely necessary. I noticed i was using NO to things that weren't unsafe or weren't going to like cause harm of any sort but we're rather just annoying ahaha. But if she's asking me for something and it is a no instead of saying no I'll say something that is a yes, does that make sense? Like say it's time for bed I'm not gonna ask, "do you want to brush your teeth?" Bevause she thinks she has a choice and homie doesn't. I'll say, "let's your teeth and then do all small activity before bed." Then after we brush our teeth she might ask, "can we watch Danny go?" And I'll say "we can color or you can chose any book you want to read. Danny go is asleep" If she has a meltdown about it i just sit next to her, rub her back (if she let's me) and say something like, "yeah, you were excited. I get it. He was tired though and needed sleep." Then I'll just sit and wait and practice breathing so she can eventually follow and she does.

Get on their level Eye contact touch their arm Tell them the task in order from start to finish All at the same time Don't ask questions to things that matter IT WORKS

I would say “oh my goodness, that was too loud! I know you don’t want ___, but it’s time” and then if needed, physically force whatever consequence you want to occur. You also need realistic expectations - there isn’t a single thing you can do that will stop tantrums and misbehaving. People say “gentle parenting doesn’t work so I need to spank” - spanking doesn’t work either, you just need to be patient and realistic with your child.

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