My last recommendation is not to pressure him to sit down on the potty. It sucks but he's already scared enough. Pushing him to sit down to poop is not going to make it better. Yes there will be accidents but you clean it up and you move on.
If you haven’t already read the poop chapter in the oh crap potty training book. I really took to heart the consistency and we also did night training so no diapers at all. It’s been a roller coaster but just keep going and try and stay as consistent as possible. You’ve got this momma
The first month we did. He was really scared of going poop on the potty, but I would sit with him when he needed it and (away from the potty) talk a lot about how I used to be scared of the potty but when i did use it it felt really good to let it out. Sounds strange, but it works 🤷 You need to commit to no diapers, it can't be a fall back since it's familiar to them. He may go at nap or nighttime in his pull up, but at least it's not in a diaper during the day. There will be poop in pants and other accidents, but it will get better. I think what ultimately did it for my son is he was about to get in the bathtub and realized he had to go and had no other choice but to sit on the potty! And public restrooms are loud! That took us closer to 3 months. We would take our small potty in the car with us but a lot of times he would just hold it till we got home