22 month old meltdowns

My LO has recently been having complete meltdowns throughout the day, bedtime and in the middle of the night, where he’s hitting, throwing his dummy, scramming, kicking and pulling hair. It’s honestly gotten to the point now that I’m getting panicky around him. He doesn’t listen to when we say no, the distraction technique doesn’t work and he turns on the dog just as bad as us when he’s in his meltdown. They’re lasting up to 1.5 hours and nothing will calm him down. This has only recently started when he got an upper respiratory infection from the swimming pool last week, which he’s now on antibiotics for. He’s been ill in the past but never reacted like this. Has anyone experienced this before? I’m not exactly after the gentle parent suggestions, as I’ve tried them all, I’ve tried the painkillers, I’ve looked at his sleep and food and nothing has changed from before. He’s acting demonic and it’s getting to me. I’ve got cuts across my eye and cheek bone where he just started to attack me in the middle of the night out of nowhere. I don’t think these are night terrors either as it’s been 4 straight days of this and nothing is helping, nothing soothes him and he’s uncontrollable I just need to know if someone has experienced this before and how long it lasted for. I need someone to reassure me it’ll get better and it’s not the next phase of toddlerhood
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Sorry to hear you’re going through this, it does sound tough. My little boy has been unwell for almost a week, although the symptoms aren’t that strong, his mood however has been horrendous, he screeches ‘NO’ to everything I struggle to do most daily things as such as dress, wash and feed him and he gets himself to such a state. I am that taken aback by the change in his behaviour and mood I’m often just silent. I understand your comments around the gentle parenting , they’re not successful for us and sometimes I just don’t have the time e.g when I need to leave the house to get him to childcare and I need to get to work on time etc Distracting him can work for us , so we might say where’s your car, build me a tower and we start to build it and it can help him snap out it I’ve wondered the same is it the next phase of toddlerhood 😬or is it because they are unwell. Sometimes if my boy is ‘hangry’ he can be a little monkey too Not sure if any of this will help you.

Sorry for the long message I hope your situation improves for you quickly especially with you getting attacked

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