At Home Induction

I’m 1cm dilated. What exercises and or foods did you lovely ladies use that may have thinned your cervix or even pushed you into labor?
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When I know im 1cm I normally wait till 38+ weeks and took castor oil with OJ put me into labor the same night , to each is its own though.

@Dada You took the pill?

@Samarah it’s a laxative

Castor Oil can have huge risks for both you and your baby, please talk to your OB.

I tried castor oil method with my first baby at about 37-38 weeks and still didn’t go into labor until 39 +3days. I was just really sh*tty, for some it works for others not so much.

@Zamaria my doctor only said it works if your at least 1cm dilated. But everyone body is different

Walk, miles circuit, have O’s Baby will come when they are ready, the more you stress about it the more it will delay everything

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