Give her a project. Preferably something with small pieces that she needs to do in another room. Give her a scrapbook to make or a sewing project for LO. Have her make elaborate Christmas stockings for all of you... She will feel useful and occupied and you will have the rest of the house to yourself.
Ask her to go pick up lunch or do a grocery run so she is "helping" and you get a little peace. Also tell hubby to take a day off work and spend a day out of the house with her
Keep banging on about sleepless nights and stay in your room with baby pretending you’re sleeping. Binge watch tv on your phone or iPad or laptop or something with headphones in. And enjoy the guilty pleasure!!!! Nobody wants this so soon after giving birth, omg!!!! 😨
With my 3 I had my MIL stay with us for a week after we’d had each of them, then I’d have the FIL come and spend a similar time with us as well as husbands parents are separated. I completely understand where you’re coming from, it’s so difficult. I send you huge hugs. Sometimes you just want to be by yourself anyway and I feel like this can be the case even more after what you’ve been through with a birth. I’d do as others have said, take yourself away and have some time in your room by yourself. Catch up on some sleep or watch something. Maybe say you’ve had a really bad night with the baby so you’re going to catch up on some sleep. I find that I make excuses sometimes or even just go into another room and start doing some jobs. She can’t expect you to be around her all of the time. I really feel for you though because you feel like you just can’t get away from them 🥰 feel free to message me if you want, even if it’s just to vent xxx
Times like this we need an app for MILs called “Raisin” so they can meet up with other grandmas in the area and mingle.
Pass baby to her and do your housework? That's absolutely what I'd be doing! Lol. My parents came to visit when my baby was a week old and I handed her to them so I could get on with stuff
I always find that asking people questions seems to work. So things like 'oh what do you think I could do quicker dishes or changing the bedding?' She would hopefully offer to do one so you can do the other, and get some peace away from her. My example is crap but hopefully helps you