What are they playing with?/speaking yet?

I am not sure what will make my toddler interested in play .. he also doesn't have conversational speech yet. Jus a few random words here and there. What does your daily routine look like with a 27 month old?
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My son goes to daycare. He's really into dinosaurs at the moment. At home he runs around pretending to be t-rex. Daycare fully encourages his love for dinosaurs and has started teaching him the names. He mostly calls them saursaur, Aladar (his favourite movie Dinosaur), or by a couple syllables of the real name (certops)

My daughter is not in daycare, I WFH so she stays home with me. She can say 6+ word sentences & ask conversational questions 🤯 We do a lot of singing & dancing. I bought her a puppet and she uses a play voice to engage with the puppet. We read a ton, a lot of “I want to read the book again” for the 5th time 😂 Every day is different as far as the things we do. We do a craft, she has screen time during lunch (Super Why is our fav right now), flash cards, independent play & I play when she asks me to play with her or when I’m free during work!

Have you talked to your pediatrician about this? My daughter has had conversational speech for a while now, but seems very advanced compared to her playmates. At the very least tho, I’d expect your child to be saying simple phrases to communicate what they want (more food, go outside, etc.). The combination of slow speech development and not interested in play would having me wanting a referral for further assessment and speech therapy.

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