E/T Accommodation

Just wondering what is the longest they can keep you in a emergency/temporary accommodation that isn’t a hotel/hostel? I’m so confused with my borough as they made me sign a document saying they don’t know how long I’ll be in the place for and I don’t know who to contact if it’s a year or 2 down the line. Would it be the homeless team even though I’m no longer technically homeless?
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I’ve been in temp accomodation for 4 years. Only ever flats because I was placed during Covid. Technically im not homeless so they’re not in a rush to move me, and my kids have their own rooms (I turned the living room into a bedroom) so they’re defo not in a rush to move me. I bid every week but if I want to move quicker I can’t be so picky where I move, yet I am. I lived in a high rise building my whole life and don’t want to go through that again, plus my child has needs so wouldn’t be safe for us

technically theres no limit - they have to house you until you are offered a permit residence. i know some people who have been in temporary accommodation for 5+ years. it depends on your council & the properties available. they may move you between temporary accommodations for your duration of time in temp

As above mentioned can be anything, I was first put into T.A and I was there 12yrs!!!! I made it my home the works, then last year section21 🙄🙄 and we had no choice but hotel for 6months, 1 room with myself, 16yr old 1yr old and inwas pregnant, I was searching daily!!! My council said i couldn't even apply to the housing list.....The also had no homes for me , so they suggested moving out of London, which wasn't a possibility, So thankfully I'm still in London, Just had to leave my area that I was born in etc they did pay the first month's rent etc but I miss my ends 😭 I was just so determined NOT to give birth and bring baby to a hotel ffs! X

@Courtney that’s so completely understandable to be a little picky especially if you have little ones. I hope you get what you want/need soon x

@Kya that’s interesting that they may move people between temporary places. Is that just with anybody or is it when people’s circumstances change? If you have more kids for example? I just feel like now that they’ve moved me they’ll just forget me lol

@Elle (i can't see waves) wow I’m surprised you couldn’t apply to the housing list if you were there for 12 years? Sorry to hear that ☹️

I know lol the system is all a mess! Now I moved i thought I'd apply for this new council, As u believe by law my 16yr old is entitled to his own room? Etc anyway I've been told I'm not a priority and I can't get on the list here either LOL 😒 So my 16yr old shares with his 3yr old brother what a joke , I know it probably happens to alot of people but as I say working or ot working , I think the government are just failing us all x

Yeah for sure to be honest they only seem to be helping people who come here from Ukraine and wherever else .. I can't believe it even being pregnant with two kids and they still make you wait long I don't know what council is the best but they all seem useless

They only want to move you out of London like wouldn't that be harder for us especially our kids being at school I don't want to be moving my kids schools

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