NIPT was correct for my 2. I’d be inclined to believe the NIPT test over any of the others as it’s like 99.9% accurate
SneakPeek has always been accurate for me, but so had NIPT.
@Susan yup! I seen it accurate for some and not for some with sneak peek! But my gender scan is Friday 😍😍😍💙🫶🏻🤞🏻
I wish you the best of luck. I bet you're hoping for a girl at this point?
@Susan boy cuz I have so many boys it would be easier this way🤣
@Susan either way I’ll be ok! Thanks love💙🫶🏻💙🫶🏻
I hope it works out for you! Best of luck and God bless!
@Susan thanks love for being so kind🥹💙💙💙💙🫶🏻
Sneak peak is totally inaccurate! Was wrong for several of my friends. NIPT was right for me and others