Warm compress and using a hakka always worked for me to relieve engorgement pain. Massage it gently. Using an electric pump with excessive power could increase your supply putting you in a nonstop cycle of engorgement. Use an electric pump on a low setting if you can’t get relief any other way. Using nipple cream or coconut oil as lubricant will help prevent nipple soreness during the pump.
Tried to pump nothing came out, I’ll try hot shower and hand expressing
It’s going to sound weird, but if you can contort yourself to get to it, that can help too (I was never able to) or if your spouse is willing, it does help.
@Samantha I can’t reach and he’s at work and won’t be home till about 7pm 😭 just gonna keep trying
Keep trying to get baby to feed would be my advice unless it's too painful or baby is getting too upset. Helped me in a similar situation xxx
Hand express, take a hot shower to help hand express if you find it hard to do, pump if you have one! Xx