@Georgia It's really difficult seeing them so uncomfortable, isn't it 🥺 so the GP increased his omeprazole dose on Friday to 5ml. I feel like he's just gotten worse since that, if anything. She did mention a CMPA but said this usually presents with a rash/dry skin, which he doesn't have. Are you prescribed the carobel, or is this something you buy over the counter? It really is trial and error, but seeing him suffer while we trial different things is so hard! 😢 you sound like you're doing amazing 💓
My little boy has CMPA, took us 2 months to figure it out because symptoms can be similar to reflux. Grunting/ squirming / vomiting / access gas / smelly gas / struggling to be laid flat
@Becky oh wow, that sounds just like my little boy! Did you have to have tests to confirm the allergy? The GP didn't seem convinced it was a CMPA because he doesn't have a rash or dry skin
@Demi see if they will increase the dose to 1.5ml per kilo, that’s what they have done with my son and it’s really worked. Carobel you can buy over the counter, it’s only a couple of £’s and that combined with the omeprazole currently is working for us! CMPA I think can present in lots of ways (we’ve been told to look for blood in poo) but speak to the GP to see if they’ll prescribe the formula to try - this is what they’ve done with us, we just haven’t used it yet. I feel like you have to be really persistent with the GP to get anywhere as I definitely think at first they thought I was just a whingeing mum! You’re doing amazingly too, it’s not easy especially with a refluxy baby but we’ll get there!
Also if you do use the carobel, change the teat size to a 2 otherwise it can be too thick to come through!
My little girl also had a problem with aptamil. She is mostly breastfed but she did have a few bottles of it after birth before I had enough milk. We started trying it again at night time last week and between 2-5 hours later both times, she was violently sick - projectile all over her crib and our bed. We tried a few variables but have changed formula now (sma) and it hasn't happened, so it may be something in aptamil that doesn't agree with their stomachs.
@Georgia thank you so much for all of your advice & experiences!! It's been super helpful. I'm going to call the doctors now and have a chat. Fingers crossed something gives 🤞🏽
It could be CMPA - does your baby have any of those symptoms? Our baby had sitter signs but he was exactly the same, around 2 hours after he was pulling his legs up, he constantly sounded like he had a stuffy nose, his face would go red (all allergy symptoms really) he also would cry for hours We went to docs and they gave us pepti aptimal and it worked amazing but the reflux was bad so we got given omeprazole (which you already have) and he’s been amazing since! Good thing about pepti is it’s the same as aptimal so it’s not going to be a problem switching if you do
UPDATE: I spoke to the GP this morning who has reversed the reflux diagnosis and has diagnosed him with non-IgE CMPA. We've been prescribed Pepti 1 to trial for 4 weeks, and then we're to try to introduce his usual formula again to see if he can tolerate it. We're to stop the omeprazole and just try the prescription formula for now. I hope it helps relieve some of his uncomfort! 🥺 Thank you so much for all your comments!! I would have stuck to it being reflux if it wasn't for your advice and experience 🫶🏼
@Demi they told us not to use anything when trialing the pepti too, but if you think your little one seems better on this then definitely go back onto omeprazole because pepti is really thin and makes reflux worse! So happy you have been given help!! If you need advice, message me, been THROUGH it all 😂🤣 hopefully this is the start to a happy little one ❤️
@Kelly oh no, really!? 😭 luckily, we still have a full new bottle of omeprazole, so we will keep that in mind once we start the new formula. Thank you so much!! Be prepared for messages 🤣 xxx
My daughter was on aptamil since she was born. She’s had loads of different symptoms. Including throwing up clear fluid, throwing up feeds, arching her back, pulling her knees up, constant crying, smelly gas and green poo. She’s now been put on aptamil pepti 1 milk. She’s also been put on gaviscon, to treat the reflux symptoms. She had a huge drop in weight after birth, and has been really slow regaining. She’s recently(this week) dropped off the centile she was on, so we’ve now got a referral to a dietician and weekly weigh ins with the health visitor
Hey, I’m sorry you’re going through this! We’ve been going through this too and it’s trial and error really! Have you spoken to your doctor about the omeprazole not working? It wasn’t working for us and then they adjusted the dose and now it’s really effective. We’re also using carobel to thicken his milk which you could try or use the anti-reflux version of your formula (aptamil do an anti reflux formula, so do HIPP organic) which does the same thing. I’ve trialed a few different formulas and actually went back to aptamil as he was on this at birth and he’s been better on this, but we tried kendamil and HIPP organic and he just seemed uncomfortable the entire time between feeds and was a lot more sick. Have you spoken to your GP about possible CMPA allergy because they could prescribe allergen formula and see if he’s a bit more comfortable? Sending you all the strength as I know this isn’t easy 🥹 x