He don’t need water necessarily yet but could offer a few sips here and there because breast milk or formula is still main source of drink for baby. As for rice porridge may be too hard on baby stomach. We started ours on scrambled eggs but only did one to two eggs to first start and we gave our baby mash potatoes with little bit of butter, apple sauce, very small cut up tiny soft carrots with peas they come in a veggie cup in the store or he could have avocado cut up or banana things like that. He can have some soft pasta as far as gas you can give him gas drops, purées could help like pears or prunes even prunes baby food could help with gas or hard stools if constipated. Baby shouldn’t be having runny or watery stools. If persists take baby to their dr
Skip the rice all together and do ground organic oats w/ a little formula/ breast milk
@Taliah yes giving him water every now and then. I started him on Apple today. He seems much better than yesterday
Is there any reason you didn’t start with fruit & veg? It’s going to be easier to digest than rice porridge and more fibrous. Also, are you giving him enough water everyday? About 1oz is recommended