Aw dude pumping is totally rough but this was me too I’m currently weaning off the meds. I was straight pumping but now he’s just straight on the boob all the time. Will yours not latch for you anymore? It’s definitely easier for me cause I don’t have the bottles or pump parts to deal with now… my first was formula fed. I couldn’t breastfeed from a traumatic birth and shit help afterwards. The heartbreak of missing out on breastfeeding was massive. It’s not a decision to take lightly and I still regret not finding better help. You’re in Alberta so try finding goats rue and milk aplenty. Both are tinctures by Rumina. They’ve helped me tremendously even alongside the domperidone. Reach out if you wanna chat! 💕 the mom guilt is real I totally get it
@Stacie no he won’t latch at all anymore he just screams as soon as I try :( It’s definitely not a decision I’m taking lightly at all I want to give him the best start at life! Gonna google those two things now I haven’t heard of them!! Thank you 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
Awh I hope it gets better if you continue!! Have you tried the different snacks like boobie bars and hydromom. My mom swore by eating bananas if you had low milk when she breastfed us, they didn’t have the cute little snacks back then.😂 I hope you find your answer, I know that’s got to be a tough thing to deal with have you tried to trick him into breastfeeding? Maybe do a fake out with a bottle? Idk girl honestly sending love ❤️
@Annie girl so true, thank you!! 🥹 this shit is my dream come true but it is HARD and I’m also a caregiver to my mom so I’m running on empty haha
@Ana I’ve tried eating everything 😹 from brewers yeast to boobie bars to oatmeal to mothers milk haha I used to be able to fake him out with his paci like pull it out and stick a nipple in but now he’s like no way mama I know what you’re trying to do lol
Hi! Don’t give up just yet! Have you tried abuelita hot chocolate? With water or milk. Also coconut water and liquid IV electrolytes 🩷
Try fenugreek or dill to boost milk supply. Also drink lots of water
It’s totally fine to switch to formula because when my supply wasn’t that great and I forgot to bring my frozen breast milk with me on the trip I chose to switch because I knew I wasn’t producing enough to have him feed every 2 hours or when he needed to eat. I got so frustrated that I decided to switch to formula only and am giving my breast milk in the freezer to my friend whose daughter is going to daycare so she doesn’t have to pump constantly.
Girl if you are mentally exhausted from pumping then just stop. I know it sounds like a terrible thing but there's no point in burning yourself out mentally when at the end of the day your little one is still getting what they need and you can fully be mentally there with them without the added stress of pumping. Being a mom can be hard enough without being harder on yourself.