Breastmilk reducing

I've always combi fed my little one. Usually pump once or twice a day (due to be alone during the daytime hours), my partner works during the day. So I'll pump once he gets home and before bed. Offering breast 2-3 hourly followed by 3 hourly formula feeds. Up until last month my LO has been using a nipple shield during breastfeeding ( difficulty latching). However, since the new year he's been latching onto my nipple! Which is great! However... I now feel like my milk supply has dropped, this past week during the day he will latch onto one breast for 5- 10 minutes ( previously 15-30 minutes). Previously in one sitting, I could express 40- 60 mls during a 30 minute session. Now I'm expressing 30 mls max. I don't feel my boobs are complete empty after breastfeeding or expressing. Does this mean my breastfeeding days are coming to an end? 😔😪
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* He's also teething at the moment*

So glad you've posted this, I'm going through exactly the same thing. Last week my LO started hysterically crying each time I tried to breastfeed them. I also use a nipple shield. Had to almost completely bottle feed them for five days. I wasn't sure if it was because their gums were hurting. Or whether they liked the instant reward from the bottle. Or whether my supply was dropping. Or a mixture of all. I read a few tips of things to do with them to try and get them used to breastfeeding again. While doing skin to skin on Sunday night, he suddenly latched on and with no nipple shield. Since then we've done a few really good breast feeds. But sometimes he's still crying a lot and wanting the bottle instead. Starting to pump again to try and keep a supply/increase it. He was such an intense feeder for months that I had a big supply but he's been going longer between feeds and sleeping more at night so I think that's reduced my supply too. On this journey with you!

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