I had a midwife with my two kids at a birthing center. It technically wasn’t unassisted because they were there but I labored all by myself and pushed when I wanted to and by myself in the tub (the midwife was in the same room but let me do my thing until I caught the babies and needed help getting out). I had great experience with out of hospital births with no interventions. I healed so much quicker than my 1st who was at a hospital. It was veyrcpeaceful
Can't speak on completely unassisted but I had a midwife for my second (a VBAC at that). My husband and I both thoroughly enjoyed the experience. Much more enjoyable that our hospital birth.
I’m actually a first time mom but my daughter’s birth was without intervention. I knew going into it I wanted her to come at her own pace so I mentally prepared myself for it. Everyone told me I was crazy lol, but I read “Expecting Better” and honestly I finished the book feeling so informed and like I could advocate for myself. I didn’t have an epidural and I declined the cervical checks. I did go to the hospital (I wanted a water birth and there just aren’t any in the city that are close to a hospital just in case) but the midwife didn’t come in until I was already pushing my baby girl out because I just could not hold the contractions in lol. It was the most beautiful experience. The only thing I would’ve changed was staying home in the bathtub longer because I was there a good six hours before my water broke and the hospital staff absolutely will badger you with suggestive interventions if you’re not showing progress.
Sorry that was so long lol. But long story short don’t be scared of the hospital. It’s your body, you can absolutely decline anything. I did, and I had my support system there to decline for me when I was mid contraction.
I had a home birth with a midwife. Recommend 100%! All the midwife did was monitor me and baby, make sure baby's heartbeat was good, check and make sure placenta was whole, and watch for hemorrhaging. I liked having someone there to make sure everything was okay. And really liked not having any interventions.
I had a natural birth, but I did have a midwife to assist. I wouldn't do it completely unassisted.
I had a home birth with a midwife attending! I did it for exactly the reasons you mentioned, I didn’t want to fight against unnecessary interventions and feel pressured in an already challenging situation. That said, I would never advocate for a wholly unattended with even if you’ve always had healthy pregnancies and births because you never know what can come up, but midwives are typically well educated and practiced in infant resuscitation etc. while still having the approach of letting you labor in your own.
I really wish I was able to have had a home birth but omg I was in so much pain for half of my pregnancy im kinda glad I had c section lol but hopefully my next pregnancy i can try to do a home birth
Plus, a free birth would be incredible. Especially in the comfort of your own home!