How do you discipline your almost 3 year old ? I’m having a very hard time with mine . We have a new baby at home (3 month old) and he acts out for everything . Doesn’t nap hardly eats tantrums anxiety when we leave the house including

With him. Very combative about everything. I’m lost . He was so good before . I’m always yelling and overstimulated same as my husband
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We went through the same thing! We had our second in June he will be 8 months in June. It was very trying the first 5 months I’d say and a huge adjustment for everyone. Extremely overwhelming and you really are just trying to survive! My best advice for you would be, as hard as it is have patience because he is adjusting to sharing his time, space, and his parents. My toddler he will be 3 in February and he was so jealous and would do whatever for attention and would whine and cry and just have tantrum after tantrum ( which we never had that issue with him prior). Try to keep him busy with activities that don’t require you to be there. I got a lot of like sensory box stuff, coloring books and we had him in a group class 1-2x a week for him to get out and have fun without the baby and my husband and him would go get lunch and a treat after . I noticed as things started to normalize and get back in routine things got easier for him. It’s tough but it’s totally normal!

Things will get better! Just will take time! Thinking of you and sending you all my good energy!

Time outs in room Take away items Don’t hold them if they hit or throw or do something and they want to be held. Don’t give them the food or toy or something they want. Move them away from the item they want

Help them regulate their emotions. They're literally incapable of doing this, and they're learning how. They learn by seeing how you handle your emotions. So, check yourself. We're way more capable at managing our feelings than they are. Stop yelling. Breathe. Be an example. Manage your own feelings in a more appropriate way and I bet you'll see the same with your child. Stop the cycle. Set aside one on one time. Listen to them. Yes, hug/hold them when they're upset. Help them understand why they're upset. Punishing/pushing them aside when they're feeling valid feelings is just going to mess them up long term.

@Gabrielle these are great examples of what not to do.

Um excuse me. You could do whatever you want to do. She wanted ideas of what she could do. So I gave tons of ideas that lots of different people do. You can teach them discipline at this age for sure. They need boundaries for sure. You don’t need to give them everything that they want. If they have a tantrum they might need to get into trouble. It’s up to the parent to chose how they want deal with it. But a child should no get everything that they want or that’s gonna cause problems

Your examples are great too. Yes being calm with them and having one on one time. And showing that they still matter and are important to them is great and amazing and i definitely suggest those as well. But if a child keeps hitting or pushing or not listening and had tantrums everyday then not discipling at all is not okay. They need to be taught what not to do

@Gabrielle given the context of the original post.. The adults don't seem able to control their own emotions. The toddler could literally just be reflecting their example. So, with this situation, guiding the adults to model a more positive and understanding behavior would likely benefit the entire situation. I just don't think that your examples best fit these circumstances. And just because other people do things that doesn't make it right or appropriate or fitting for others. Let's normalize not comparing.

@Marrissa great !!! Thank you so much for your encouraging words and tips! ❤️

@Gabrielle @Heather thank you both !! Definitely taking both of your advise . So helpful in trying times

I just have my one little one but if she’s misbehaving(hitting or getting too rough) that she needs to be gentle and I guide her hands to be gentle. The I would tell her if she’s still doing it only once that if she doesn’t stop then she’s going to go to time out. Is she still doesn’t stop I just pick her up and place her on her bed I don’t like to tell her what I’m doing because I don’t want her to feel me upset with her when she probably just needs her own space. But I as well don’t allow her to have any toys. She does cry sometimes but I feel like she just needs a quiet spot to relax by herself. Once she stopped crying I would sit down with her and remind her that she can’t do what she was doing that she needs to be nice. Then I would reassure her that I love her and we would keep going along with our day. She acts out more now because she refuses to take naps a lot of days. But I hope this helps. It works for me. Everyone is different but I wish you well and ur family good health☺️

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