Sleep training

Can people help my 7 month old still has to be rocked to sleep and he is getting heavy and am struggling he used to self sooth but that stopped at 4 months any recommendations would be highly appreciated or jus other mamas going threw the same thing it's really getting to me I love his cuddles don't get me wrong but would love for him to self sooth to sleep again
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No recommendations, just solidarity. Mine is over 1 and still has to be rocked to sleep for nap, bedtime and every wake up

@Ciara bless it's hard work isn't it. I love his sleepy cuddles but he is already heavy for me dread to think what he will be like in a few more months. Xxx

Pick up put down mixed with modified Ferber is what worked for me, I started at 5 months and he now self soothes for naps and bedtime 90% of the time. There is the odd occasion I have to go in have a quick cuddle and put him down x

Look at safely cosleeping! Some babies just can’t sleep alone, I mean how many adults sleep alone? Everyone sleeps in bed with their partner as it’s instinct for keeping safe. I have to rock my boy (7months 11kg) to sleep every night but I use a ring sling to help support his weight. You don’t have to sleep train, you just have to keep treating them like what they are, a tiny baby 🩷 most children don’t learn to “self soothe” until they’re over 3. Establish a routine and baby will quickly know that it’s time to go to sleep as you do things. They’re only little for a short while and I know it seems so hard just now but you’ll barely remember it next year and wish for all those cuddles back!

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