@Katherine thanks for your reply! Yes I’m usually always very regular, and period isn’t due for a while yet. I’ve read implantation bleeding is usually more pink, which this certainly is. I’ve not had any further spotting since then. Fingers crossed 🤞
The unfortunate thing about early pregnancy is that almost anything goes unfortunately… that’s the stressful part🤣 what’s normal for one , isn’t normal for another. One thing is a sign for period, but also a sign of pregnancy, but also a sign of miscarriage, but also also could be your uterus exploding inside of you(exaggerating of course) but you get what I mean. I didn’t read though that it could be bright red spotting IF your implantation bleeding is coming out right after you implanted. So, like a period, sometimes when the blood is brownish, it’s because it’s old blood. I take it, implantation bleeding is usually light pink or brown because the blood sometimes comes out maybe a week following implantation. Not guaranteeing anything ofc. But getting your period this early when it’s regular normally, plus the symptoms. Im betting implantation
@Katherine thanks heaps! Yeah I don’t know why I ask these questions when really we all know it could go either way haha. But I appreciate your message, fingers crossed for my rainbow baby! 🥰
6dpo is too early to have symptoms as this is the earliest the egg would be implanting. Once it’s implanted then HCG would be released and you would experience symptoms 💜
@Kiarra I was definitely showing symptoms at 6dpo. They weren’t strong strong but it was enough for me to know something was up especially since I also have regular periods and get pms symptoms normally between dpo 10-12 if any at all.
@Katherine then you were definitely off on your ovulation date.. because implantation doesn’t happen before six days, and you need at least 24 hours for the hCG to get high enough in your body to trigger any sort of symptoms or positive test. This is coming from someone who tested positive exactly 7 dpo. I didn’t have any symptoms, I wasn’t even trying to get pregnant, my friend just dared me to take a pregnancy test for no reason and I did it and found out I was pregnant, and I only found out I was that early because I went in the next day for an ultrasound and my uterus was completely empty. My hCG was only 39.
I didn’t get implantation bleeding so I can’t really compare but I hear as long as it’s not heavy it’s okay. I did start experiencing symptoms and everything at 6dpo myself which is unusual because my regular period symptoms don’t start until about 10 dpo… so I KNEW I had to have been pregnant. Are your period normally regular? If so? I’d probably think this is implantation bleeding