Family in law rant... help

Ok so, i love my in laws before and during pregnancy.. however, since having him, they are really intense. They come round and go gimme gimme gimme with handmovements too. My sister in law and mother in law then continue to share holds all night and pass him between themselves. I dont even get a look in. The sister in law said she wants to hold him whilst out and pretend he is hers. At Christmas we went for a big 21 people meal and i found out someone was ill so i wanted to keep him in the pram. I realised he had wet so i went to change him. The mother in law followed me. Interfered with changing and then once changed picked him up, walked out with him and passed him round. I know they love him and that he is lucky to be in a loving family but i just feel like i cant 'be mum' around them as they always want to take over. Another example, they literally hoover their food down so they can take him off me. I think its just been little things into a big thing. Am i wrong for being pissed off? Annoyed ect?
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Omg no that’s so bloody annoying!! It’s one of those situations where you would look like an a**hole for telling everyone to back the f**k up 🤣🤣 I tend to say things like “right he’s getting a bit tired now so I’m going to have him nap on me now” and I’ll do the gimmegimme hand sign … I’ve even had to change his nappy when it wasn’t needed just to have him back lol

No you have every right to be pissed off. You are the mum at the end of the day. They need to take a step back. No ones held my baby yet, as she is prem but I can't stand people interfering and thinking they can just hold her.

@Carla @Amanda Honestly it really winds me up! Like back off and leave him alone. He isnt a toy. I dont mind them holding but atleast give me a look in. I have had to have words because they kept trying to see his eyes or tickle his feet because they wanted him awake. Like f&&k off and leave him to sleep. Im getting silly now because now im like getting annoyed before they even come round x

Honestly I would have fallen out with the lot of them already if I were in your shoes, could NOT abide this shit. Our families couldn't give less of a shit and while that kind of hurts I prefer it any day of the week over interfering, overbearing crap like this. I will say you need to put your foot down now, otherwise this us going to continue your entire life and is that how you want to live?

God that must be so frustrating! Could be a good idea for your partner to have a word with them, nice to set some boundaries early on x

I'm in a very similar situation to you... feel free to message me if you'd like a rant aha!! Xxx

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