Potty training advice

So we’ve successful managed the potty in the daytime for a couple of months now but last few nights LG waking up in night shouting for potty. At a loss as to completely go for it no nappy or carry on as we are? Any advice welcome please x
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First off well done for being successful for so long! Is she waking up more dry in the mornings and when she asks to go is she going? Personally I would just go for it as you don’t know until you try! Have lots of spare bed covers and protective sheets ready. If it doesn’t work out then try again at a later date ☺️x

@Morgan not really some days not as bad but she woke up last night around 1am and she’s woke up about 7.30 ish and she’s bone dry. I think like you say going to have a look for some protective sheets this week and try it. X

My daughter was consistently waking up dry for a few weeks, and asking for a wee in the morning so we just went for it, hoping for the best. We make sure she has a wee before bed, remind her she is in panties and she doesn’t wee until the morning when she asks. But we do have waterproof bedsheets in case 🤞 I think if she is waking up to tell you, that’s a really good sign!

I always wonder on this. Do you leave a potty in their room? No longer have baby gates etc? How does it work logically?

We are going for it tonight, I’ve been a bought a waterproof sheet and are going to watch what she’s drinking before bed etc.. we had to bring the potty up early hours because she wouldn’t use the toilet even though got one of the child seats attached to it x

Our little girl has a potty in her room and she has started taking herself overnight if she needs it. She still has a nappy on and will shout if she needs us, but she’s often got a fresh nappy back on post wee, just out of habit. Alternatively you could take your little one of a middle of the night trip to the loo and put her back to bed and keep doing that til she’s dry all the way through.

Mine was the same as soon as she was potty trained in the day, she would wake up in the night and ask for the potty so we would take her to the bathroom and then back to bed, she’s now been completely out of nappies, day and night since around November and has only had 2 accidents in the night. I found that even when she still had a nappy at nohjy she preferred to wake up and use the toilet, so we’ve now stopped her evening milk and watch her fluid intake from around 5pm onwards and encourage a big wee before bed

Well we are on 6 nights now and the only accident she’s had was Sunday night 🤩 she’s done a full 12 hours from last night x

@Danielle that’s amazing, well done both of you!🤍

It’s weird. We’re finding he sleeps through dry or wakes us up to go. I don’t think I expected that just a few weeks in. 🤷🏻‍♀️

@Cal I know it’s crazy isn’t it x

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